The Problem


1. Stale Data
CA Dashboard's primary flaw is its outdated approach. While the education landscape is in constant flux, Test Dashboard updates only once a year. This means you're working with data that is, at best, outdated and, at worst, no longer relevant. Stale data can't fuel informed decisions or drive meaningful change in your school district.

2. No Valuable Insights
What's the point of data if it doesn't help you take action? CA Dashboard only provides data that you already know. It doesn't offer any meaningful, actionable insights. It's like having a map that only shows you where you've already been, rather than guiding you to where you should go. It's a missed opportunity for improving your school district's performance.

The Solution

iTAAP allows you to take charge of your data with real time projections. How does it work? Follow the five steps to see how iTAAP empowers Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with the ability to forecast their future performance and assess various compliance metrics.

step 1-Connect Data One time

Connect data - one time

Say goodbye to data headaches! With iTAAP, you only need to connect your school district's data once. Our system automatically integrates all your data sources, saving you time and effort. No more manual data entry or complicated integrations. It's the first and crucial step to unleashing the full potential of your educational data.

step 1-Connect Data One time

Real-Time Updates

Using your school data, iTAAP harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide real time projections in each of the state indicators seen on the left.

iTAAP also provides CIMP indicators, LRE, and Disproportionality measures.

Let’s take a look at Chronic Absenteeism - the current performance level is Very Low indicated by the color red.

step 1-Connect Data One time

School Specific Insights

Understanding individual schools within your district is critical to tailored improvement strategies. iTAAP’s advanced analytics provides school-specific insights. Dive deep into performance data for each school, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for growth. With this knowledge, you can craft effective, targeted interventions.

In this example, there are 4 schools in the Orchard School District and you can see each schools’ performance level.

step 1-Connect Data One time

Student Level Insights

In each school, you can identify which students need special attention and patterns that need to be addressed. Explore individual student data to identify specific needs, track progress, and deliver personalized support. It's a powerful tool to help every student reach their full potential.

In Apple Tree Elementary, we see a sample list of 4 students and the specific breakdown of absenteeism.

step 1-Connect Data One time

Improve Performance

With iTAAP, you're not just collecting data; you're transforming it into actionable knowledge to drive your district's educational success. Get started today and experience the future of data-driven school improvement.

This is just one example of using iTAAP to understand what’s happening in your schools and deliver care to specific students.


What is iTAAP?

iTAAP stands for "Intelligent Tracking and Analytics Program," a cutting-edge predictive
analytics solution designed to revolutionize the way educational institutions plan for the
future. By leveraging advanced algorithms and data-driven insights, iTAAP empowers
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with the ability to forecast their future performance
and assess various compliance metrics.

Join us on a journey to transform education with iTAAP's unparalleled predictive power
and pave the way for a brighter, more efficient future in learning.

iTAAP for Administrators

Special Education

  1. Attend less IEPs: By leveraging data-driven insights, schools can identify trends and patterns in students' progress, enabling more targeted interventions and reducing the need for frequent Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings.
  2. Reduce litigations: Through comprehensive data collection and analysis, schools can proactively address issues and tailor interventions, thereby minimizing disputes and legal challenges related to special education services.
  3. Improve outcomes: Utilizing data to inform instructional strategies and support services can lead to more personalized and effective interventions, ultimately enhancing academic and developmental outcomes for students in special education programs.
  4. Get data easily: Implementing a data-driven platform streamlines the process of collecting, analyzing, and accessing relevant student data, providing educators and administrators with timely and actionable insights to inform decision-making.
  5. Automate reports: Automating the generation of reports based on collected data not only saves time for educators and administrators but also ensures accuracy and consistency in reporting, facilitating efficient communication and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  6. Save time: By centralizing data management and automating routine tasks such as report generation, educators and administrators can allocate more time to direct student support and collaboration, ultimately maximizing productivity and efficiency within the school system.
business men presentation
data on display
Prepare for success

Easily find which students won't meet time and frequency compliance well in advance.

pointing to data graphs
Anticipate the future

Receive advance warnings on disproportionality and significant disproportionality.

man browsing graph curve
Meet deadlines

Automatically alerts IEPs which lack procedural or substantive compliance.

Arrange a demo

Want to see the powerful features of iTAAP in action? Please contact us using this form to schedule a demo. We will get back to you within 24 hours of receiving your message.